Empowering you to plant those seeds.

Sharing the little details that culminate into life's stories + lessons. 

Let's grow together.

In my experience as a healthcare worker sharing her life online, I've come to learn that we all desire the same things in life: to be happy and have purpose. In this space, I share experiences and reflections that can bring us together and forward.

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WHAT you'll find here




My thoughts, rambles and experiences that make me the person I am today! As a multi-faceted individual, the topics of what I discuss vary from make-up to scientific evidence that impacts my everyday life as an individual and provider.

I'm a dreamer, and I assume you are too.
As I experience life in my unique way, I love the idea of growing together. My hope is that the words and images I share with you give you courage + strength to lead your unique life in a way that aligns with your true purpose. 

One of my biggest passions is finding the best tools + bits to help you live your best life.

Enter: my recommendations for the best restaurants, tools, products and services.

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Don't list off your job description - I want to know what makes you giddy, what you look forward to every day, and what you can't stop thinking about when you clock out and have 0 energy. 

You see, your job is a part of your identity, but your identity is not what you do for a paycheck.

As healthcare workers, this may feel like a foreign concept, but I'm here to empower you into changing this mindset so that we can live a list that best represents our highest selves.



i'm a dirty martini sipping, kimchi-loving nurse practitioner and digital content creator.

In the past 7 years of working in healthcare, I've found my purpose:
to curate a life and identity for myself outside of my career.

Hi, I'm

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